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Research Reports
Paving the Way for Seamless Banking

Opening a bank account is a decisive moment for banks to show how agile and digital they will be for their clients and this process in Portugal has been witnessing significant transformation in recent years, driven by new regulations and new technology often provided by fintechs. This article gathers different ecosystem perspectives on the Account Opening process in Portugal.

Insurtech Solutions and Trends
A food for thought study for insurtech innovation. This study includes more than 70 startups with interesting use cases for incumbent collaboration. Divided into insurance products and value chain solutions immerse yourself into the insurance journey of the future.

Startup Onboarding
How to remove the friction
Innovation in a organisation is divided into agility to test new solutions and compliance to manage risks.
This One Pager Research Project reflects the best practices on how can corporates streamline internal practices to facilitate the onboarding of a startup in the organisation,